An Unsung Hero of the Tanner–Jeffrey Subramanian

By Kempton Cox “A few decades ago, we were in the age of the natural man. And it was bad. But now we are in the age of the unnatural man.” Jeff tells me this over his burrito ahogado about three hours into our lunch appointment. Jeff eats to live, and I live to eat, so sometimes we go out to lunch; if it’s his pick, … Continue reading An Unsung Hero of the Tanner–Jeffrey Subramanian

Unsung Hero of the Tanner – Tina Ashby

By Elisabeth J. Andersen As I walked into Tina’s office for the first time, my eyes were immediately drawn to the wall filled with smiling faces and the shelves containing various awards and pictures. When I asked her about what the wall of student’s pictures meant to her, I couldn’t help but notice how her face lit up as she talked about her students. After she … Continue reading Unsung Hero of the Tanner – Tina Ashby

Unsung Hero of the Tanner–Alvan Williamson

Author: Elisabeth J. Andersen When I first entered Alvan Williamson’s office the Friday before I actually had the chance to sit down and talk with him, I was greeted by a member of his custodial staff. She eagerly told me that if I was to interview Alvan, I would have to ask about his motorcycle gang and title this article, “Alvan the Bear Man.” Alvan on … Continue reading Unsung Hero of the Tanner–Alvan Williamson