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Podcast Review: Katherine Wright on Perfectionism

Katherine Wright (Electrical Engineering Student) on Perfectionism from 7/27/20


By Abbie Anderson


“One student scored between 48 and 52 percent. It was you.”


No BYU student wants to see this message. For many BYU students it is a familiar one, though—seen while hovering the cursor over the lowest bar in the histogram showing the grade distribution of a recent exam on Learning Suite, the learning management system of Brigham Young University. Many college students face similar academic disappointments after spending countless hours studying for a midterm or final exam. Does a failing grade mean we’re failures?


Katherine Wright, a BYU student studying electrical engineering, joins Dillon Jones on an episode of Measuring Success Right to talk about her experience navigating the perfectionistic tendencies that many overachieving students struggle with. She discusses factors that led her to attend BYU, her path to joining the electrical engineering major, and what she hopes her future will look like after graduation.


Family support, time spent with friends, and wise advice from professors are all factors that have contributed to Katherine’s success at BYU and in life. But how does she know she has been successful? Listen to this full episode of Measuring Success Right to find out. Her advice may just be what you need if you are struggling to balance life’s many demands. Measuring Success Right is available online at and on Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play, and Apple Podcast.

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